Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Farm 10/23/2011

This was the first time I used the manual setting on the camera. 

Photo Sunday's Challenge - Path

Photo Sunday Challenge is "Path".  {Link}

Taken at Relleke's Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Anti - Bullying Awareness - wear PURPLE!

Not a perfect picture, but today is the anti - bullying awareness day! So wear your purple!! :D 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bunch of challenges/ideas...

I was surfing the internet earlier this evening and came across several different challenges/ideas for photo themes.  Even though the year is almost over, but it is is NEVER too late to start it! I have gotten totally off track due to the major projects at the old house, having the house on the market, buying new house and move into the new house.  On top of all that, the kids were in back to back sports.  Now that most of the major parts are done for good. We are fully settled in the house with just a few minor projects that will begin in the spring time.   Things are winding down very quickly in preparation for the fall and winter.    Now there's several different challenges/ideas for photo themes that I think that you may find interesting. I will get some notes posted about it and where the links are.  Here's some ideas....
* 52 weeks - doing one self portrait of yourself for a year
*365 photos - a photo every day (I did very horrible on this one)
*52 Photowalk - Getting out of the house and go on a walk in different places and taking random pictures
*A to Z photos -  Taking pictures that represent certain letters such as G for Grass and Q for quiet or quick
* Color Geared Theme - Yellow for sun (you get the idea)
*Scavenger Hunt
*365 Photos with specific theme - there's 365 theme plus 52 wild card (you can use the wild card theme to mix up if you don't want to do some of the specific theme that is on the list)

I will get the links posted for each of ideas where I found them sometime this week.  I have seen a few ideas that I would like to attempt starting next week, once I get the new laptop set up with new editing program to make it more easier to edit photos.

Photo Sunday

I have gotten an email from Photo Sunday with their new theme for this week.  Check it out at PhotoSunday.   I am hoping to get back in the swing of taking random pictures.

Laptop update

Well, I have some good and bad news regarding the laptop. The good new is that the hard drive is intact so we are able to recover the photos and the documents.  The bad new is that the laptop, at this point, doesn't look like it's repairable.   However, the new laptop will be here this weekend.  It definitely has taught me a lesson - back it up to the portable hard-drive, burn a copy to CD and back it up on our google storage.  Looks like I have a long process to do that, given that there's about 12 years worth of photos on the hard drive.  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Laptop crashed.... photos lost. :(

Our laptop has crashed almost 2 weeks ago. At this point, I lost the last 4 1/2 months worth of pictures, including roughly 2,000 sport photos. :(   Right now, it is in the shop and hopefully the photos can be recovered.  I had planned to back it up on that Monday, but it had crashed the day before.  Let's say I was pretty upset/sick to my stomach over this.  I am still holding out hopes that the hard drive can be recovered..  So I have no photos to show for the last 4 1/2 months, however, my camera card had some of the football photos and soccer photos.  I will get them uploaded eventually - however, my photo editing programs were on the laptop.  I'm posting from the tiny netbook, LOL.